Arquivos Mensais :

Dezembro 2017

Gappy new year: our perception of the passage of time | Daniel Glaser

Gappy new year: our perception of the passage of time | Daniel Glaser 150 150 icnagency

By: Daniel Glaser | Gappy new year: our perception of the passage of time | Daniel Glaser | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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The appliance of science: hope and fear in tomorrow’s world | Jim Al-Khalili

The appliance of science: hope and fear in tomorrow’s world | Jim Al-Khalili 150 150 icnagency

By: Jim Al-Khalili | The appliance of science: hope and fear in tomorrow’s world | Jim Al-Khalili | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Sophie Scott: ‘Laughter works as a behaviourally contagious phenomenon’

Sophie Scott: ‘Laughter works as a behaviourally contagious phenomenon’ 150 150 icnagency

By: Interview by Andrew Anthony | Sophie Scott: ‘Laughter works as a behaviourally contagious phenomenon’ | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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O que diz a Renata Blima…

O que diz a Renata Blima… 150 150 icnagency

By: psicosomaviseu | O que diz a Renata Blima… | Master Course Neuromarketing
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Festive stress: why the Christmas season can be anything but merry

Festive stress: why the Christmas season can be anything but merry 150 150 icnagency

By: Dean Burnett | Festive stress: why the Christmas season can be anything but merry | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Captura de ecrã 2017-12-19, às 14.32.44

Plano de Comunicação para Projeto Região Coimbra 2.X

Plano de Comunicação para Projeto Região Coimbra 2.X 1327 736 Julien Diogo

O ICN Agency desenvolveu nesta reta final de 2017 o Plano de Comunicação e Divulgação do projeto “Região Coimbra 2.X”, levado a cabo pela a Comunidade Intermunicipal Região de Coimbra, resultando de um processo do Sistema de Apoio à Modernização e Capacitação da Administração Pública.

A candidatura “Região de Coimbra 2.X” apresenta-se como uma aposta intermunicipal liderada pela Comunidade Intermunicipal da Região de Coimbra (CIM RC) em co-promoção com os dezanove municípios que a compõem, em consonância com as orientações estratégicas definidas para o horizonte temporal 2014-2020.

O projeto em questão tem como objetivo máximo sensibilizar os diferentes públicos de utilizadores para os novos serviços que forem sendo disponibilizados, no sentido de maximizar a sua adesão e efetiva utilização.

A conceção, alinhamento e implementação de um Plano de Comunicação surgiu como uma necessidade indispensável para realizar da melhor forma os objetivos desenhados aquando da candidatura ao Portugal 2020. 

Em 2018 iniciará o processo de comunicação de todo este projeto, assente na experiência, emoção e numa mescla de marketing de guerrilha, marketing viral, com forte aposta no marketing digital.

Foram desenhadas dezenas de ações de comunicação, devidamente orientadas para os vários tipos de target identificado, de modo a que público se reveja, envolva e aprendam esta mudança inovadora.

Brain game: the cognitive loop when we hide presents | Daniel Glaser

Brain game: the cognitive loop when we hide presents | Daniel Glaser 150 150 icnagency

By: Daniel Glaser | Brain game: the cognitive loop when we hide presents | Daniel Glaser | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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This may be a turning point in treating neurodegenerative diseases

This may be a turning point in treating neurodegenerative diseases 150 150 icnagency

By: Hannah Devlin Science correspondent | This may be a turning point in treating neurodegenerative diseases | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Humans 2.0: meet the entrepreneur who wants to put a chip in your brain

Humans 2.0: meet the entrepreneur who wants to put a chip in your brain 150 150 icnagency

By: Zofia Niemtus | Humans 2.0: meet the entrepreneur who wants to put a chip in your brain | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Neuromarketing Armoury is now also available as a Kindle edition

Neuromarketing Armoury is now also available as a Kindle edition 150 150 icnagency

By: Carla Nagel | Neuromarketing Armoury is now also available as a Kindle edition | NMSBA News
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‘You know that you’re gradually lessening’: life with Huntington’s

‘You know that you’re gradually lessening’: life with Huntington’s 150 150 icnagency

By: Hannah Devlin |

‘You know that you’re gradually lessening’: life with Huntington’s

| Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Excitement as trial shows Huntington’s drug could slow progress of disease

Excitement as trial shows Huntington’s drug could slow progress of disease 150 150 icnagency

By: Hannah Devlin Science correspondent |

Excitement as trial shows Huntington’s drug could slow progress of disease

| Neuroscience | The Guardian
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