Group of biologists tries to bury the idea that plants are conscious

Group of biologists tries to bury the idea that plants are conscious

Group of biologists tries to bury the idea that plants are conscious 150 150 icnagency

By: Ian Sample Science editor | Group of biologists tries to bury the idea that plants are conscious | Neuroscience | The Guardian

Environmental crisis clouding scientific objectivity about plants’ feelings, says botanist

The gardening gloves are off. Frustrated by more than a decade of research which claims to reveal intentions, feelings and even consciousness in plants, more traditionally minded botanists have finally snapped. Plants, they protest, are emphatically not conscious.

The latest salvo in the plant consciousness wars has been fired by US, British and German biologists who argue that practitioners of “plant neurobiology” have become carried away with the admittedly impressive abilities of plants to sense and react to their environments.

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