‘It was a different era’: how people understand the concept of time

‘It was a different era’: how people understand the concept of time

‘It was a different era’: how people understand the concept of time 150 150 icnagency

By: Dean Burnett |

‘It was a different era’: how people understand the concept of time

| Neuroscience | The Guardian

What defines ‘another era’ – and how does the brain perceive and process the passage of time anyway? It’s actually more chaotic than you might think

Michael Fallon’s recent and rapid fall from grace has been commented on substantially already. But one thing many are picking up on is his questionable claim that the incidents were more “acceptable” 10 to 15 years ago.

Looked at one way, this is another example of the standard “of its time” excuse, often used to dismiss inappropriate (by present standards) behaviour and views that stem from the past, when cultural norms and expectations were different. In truth though, the argument is inherently questionable in many ways, even more so in the case of Michael Fallon, as the legal context around issues of sexual harassment hasn’t really changed in nearly 30 years.

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