Revealed: the truth about Cressida Dick’s cannabis problem

Revealed: the truth about Cressida Dick’s cannabis problem

Revealed: the truth about Cressida Dick’s cannabis problem 150 150 icnagency

By: Sam Wollaston | Revealed: the truth about Cressida Dick’s cannabis problem | Neuroscience | The Guardian

The Metropolitan police commissioner says she can’t smell dope, and never has been able to. We ask an expert if that’s possible

The clue is in the name. The vast majority of cannabis sold in the UK these days is superstrong skunk, so called not just because it’s very potent in what it does to your brain, but because it’s also very smelly.

I smell it pretty much every day, on the street on the way home from work. I tried to talk to a stoner about whether blazing at 11 on the smelly scale made it harder to do without alerting the feds, but I couldn’t find one who had got out of bed by the time I had to file this. But in many UK cities, it is part of the 21st-century daily olfactory experience.

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