Arquivos Mensais :

Abril 2018

Calcium-based MRI sensor enables more sensitive brain imaging

Calcium-based MRI sensor enables more sensitive brain imaging 150 150 icnagency

By: Anne Trafton | MIT News Office | Calcium-based MRI sensor enables more sensitive brain imaging | MIT News – Neuroscience
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Dean Burnett: ‘Happiness shouldn’t be the default state in the human brain’

Dean Burnett: ‘Happiness shouldn’t be the default state in the human brain’ 150 150 icnagency

By: Killian Fox | Dean Burnett: ‘Happiness shouldn’t be the default state in the human brain’ | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Scientists ‘keep pigs’ brains alive without a body for up to 36 hours’

Scientists ‘keep pigs’ brains alive without a body for up to 36 hours’ 150 150 icnagency

By: Nicola Davis |

Scientists ‘keep pigs’ brains alive without a body for up to 36 hours’

| Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Growing brains in labs: why it’s time for an ethical debate

Growing brains in labs: why it’s time for an ethical debate 150 150 icnagency

By: Ian Sample Science editor |

Growing brains in labs: why it’s time for an ethical debate

| Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Neurosurgeon Eric Leuthardt: ‘An interface between mind and machine will happen’

Neurosurgeon Eric Leuthardt: ‘An interface between mind and machine will happen’ 150 150 icnagency

By: Tim Adams | Neurosurgeon Eric Leuthardt: ‘An interface between mind and machine will happen’ | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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What depressed robots can teach us about mental health | Zachary Mainen

What depressed robots can teach us about mental health | Zachary Mainen 150 150 icnagency

By: Zachary Mainen | What depressed robots can teach us about mental health | Zachary Mainen | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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ICN Agency no Neuromarketing Yearbook 2018

ICN Agency no Neuromarketing Yearbook 2018 4032 3024 Julien Diogo

A ICN Agency marca presença no Neuromarketing Yearbook 2018 da NMSBA.

O artigo Disruptive Innovation: A study in the Capsule Coffee Industry da ICN Agency encontra-se apresentado na edição deste ano, nas páginas 38 e 39.

O artigo resulta de um amplo estudo desenvolvido para a Delta Q no âmbito da perceção face ao seu novo sistema RISE e percepções face à experiência da toma do café.

É para nós um orgulho ver a validação e reconhecimento do trabalho desenvolvido pela associação mundial do setor – NMSBA.

Nesta edição anual, a ICN Agency marca presença junto de agências como a Nielsen, Leni, Noldus, Neurons, etc…

A Neuroscientist Explains: how we read words – podcast

A Neuroscientist Explains: how we read words – podcast 150 150 icnagency

By: Presented by Daniel Glaser and produced by Max Sanderson | A Neuroscientist Explains: how we read words – podcast | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Neuroscientist Gregory Berns: ‘Studying dogs is way more enjoyable than studying humans’

Neuroscientist Gregory Berns: ‘Studying dogs is way more enjoyable than studying humans’ 150 150 icnagency

By: Nicola Davis | Neuroscientist Gregory Berns: ‘Studying dogs is way more enjoyable than studying humans’ | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Unravelling the mysteries of the brain: Suzanne O’Sullivan, neuro detective

Unravelling the mysteries of the brain: Suzanne O’Sullivan, neuro detective 150 150 icnagency

By: Rachel Cooke | Unravelling the mysteries of the brain: Suzanne O’Sullivan, neuro detective | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Brainstorm by Suzanne O’Sullivan – the neurologist as sleuth

Brainstorm by Suzanne O’Sullivan – the neurologist as sleuth 150 150 icnagency

By: Colin Grant | Brainstorm by Suzanne O’Sullivan – the neurologist as sleuth | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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A heavy working memory load may sink brainwave ‘synch’

A heavy working memory load may sink brainwave ‘synch’ 150 150 icnagency

By: David Orenstein | Picower Institute for Learning and Memory |

A heavy working memory load may sink brainwave ‘synch’

| MIT News – Neuroscience
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