Arquivos Mensais :

Outubro 2018

Paralysed men can stand and walk after electrical stimulation

Paralysed men can stand and walk after electrical stimulation 150 150 icnagency

By: Ian Sample Science editor | Paralysed men can stand and walk after electrical stimulation | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Quitting cannabis could lead to better memory and cognition

Quitting cannabis could lead to better memory and cognition 150 150 icnagency

By: Ian Sample Science editor | Quitting cannabis could lead to better memory and cognition | Neuroscience | The Guardian
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Meeting of the Minds

Meeting of the Minds 150 150 icnagency

By: Bridget E. Begg | Office of Graduate Education | Meeting of the Minds | MIT News – Neuroscience
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How working memory gets you through the day

How working memory gets you through the day 150 150 icnagency

By: David Orenstein | Picower Institute for Learning and Memory | How working memory gets you through the day | MIT News – Neuroscience
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Study reveals how the brain overcomes its own limitations

Study reveals how the brain overcomes its own limitations 150 150 icnagency

By: Anne Trafton | MIT News Office | Study reveals how the brain overcomes its own limitations | MIT News – Neuroscience
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Captura de ecrã 2018-10-24, às 08.52.50

ICN Agency & Kolsi no setor do Luxo

ICN Agency & Kolsi no setor do Luxo 931 535 Julien Diogo
A ICN Agency & Kolsi firmam uma parceria para a aplicação da Neurociência no setor do Luxo a nível mundial
A agência Kolsi dedica-se ao setor do Luxo, desde de estratégia, comunicação, experience e muito mais…para espaços, eventos, showrooms, pop-up stores, ou ainda web sites e social media. 
A agência com sede em Munique (Alemanha) desejou ter a ICN Agency ao seu lado para as investigações e consultoria de Neurociência Aplicada, um setor com enorme potencial e elevado crescimento anual em novos conceitos, marcas e produtos. 
Agradecemos a confiança da Raquel e Valeria!
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#ICNAgency #Kolsi #Neuromarketing #Portugal #Germany #Lux #Brand #Luxurybrand

Electrical properties of dendrites help explain our brain’s unique computing power

Electrical properties of dendrites help explain our brain’s unique computing power 150 150 icnagency

By: Anne Trafton | MIT News Office | Electrical properties of dendrites help explain our brain’s unique computing power | MIT News – Neuroscience
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Protein has unique effects on information processing

Protein has unique effects on information processing 150 150 icnagency

By: David Orenstein | Picower Institute for Learning and Memory | Protein has unique effects on information processing | MIT News – Neuroscience
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Testing new drugs with “ALS-on-a-chip”

Testing new drugs with “ALS-on-a-chip” 150 150 icnagency

By: Anne Trafton | MIT News Office | Testing new drugs with “ALS-on-a-chip” | MIT News – Neuroscience
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To improve anesthesia, focus on neuroscience and nociception, experts urge

To improve anesthesia, focus on neuroscience and nociception, experts urge 150 150 icnagency

By: David Orenstein | Picower Institute for Learning and Memory | To improve anesthesia, focus on neuroscience and nociception, experts urge | MIT News – Neuroscience
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NEUROMARKETING CRASH COURSE ‘Introduction to Neuromarketing’

NEUROMARKETING CRASH COURSE ‘Introduction to Neuromarketing’ 150 150 icnagency

By: Carla Nagel |

NEUROMARKETING CRASH COURSE ‘Introduction to Neuromarketing’

| NMSBA News
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